There is no noise in the world. There is no peace in the Himalayas. Both are in you. - Swami Satyananda Saraswati

With over thirteen years of dedicated yogic study, and a Master's degree in chemical engineering, Rebekah brings a unique blend of knowledge to her teaching. Drawing from the realms of science and internal exploration, Rebekah uncovers the convergence of these disciplines. Under Rebekah’s guidance, each asana invites you to observe bodily sensations, breath patterns, and the subtle stirrings of thoughts and emotions.


Rebekah teaches hatha yoga. Each session begins and ends with guided meditation. During the practice, she provides detailed instructions for each pose, emphasizing the importance of being aware of bodily sensations, breath, and any arising thoughts or emotions. To deepen students' understanding of the practice's benefits, Rebekah seamlessly integrates relevant science and yoga philosophy throughout the session.

Thai Yoga Massage

During our session, as you relax, I will guide you through a sequence of passive postures designed to restore mobility and realign your joints and spine. To enhance the healing process, I will apply gentle pressure to specific points, promoting the release of stagnant fluid and triggering the release of calming neurotransmitters. It's important to note that the tension held in the body often correlates with tension stored in the mind. Therefore, it's not uncommon to experience an emotional release or newfound realizations as the mind-body tension dissipates.


Rebekah's Ayurvedic journey has been both hands-on and academic. She experienced Ayurveda's detoxification practices in 2017 and 2023. In 2022, she studied a beginner's course in Ayurveda, enriching her understanding of its principles. Today, Rebekah weaves this timeless philosophy into her teachings, empowering others to embrace balanced living.